I like the industry rep saying [quote]“The one constant is that no matter how much we pay, domestic workers are not applying for these jobs,” Resnick said.[/quote]
Because, you know, $11/hr is throwing money at the problem…[/quote]
The article said they saw more applicants after paying $13, but the applicants came from other farms:
“Raising wages only serves to cannibalize from the existing workforce; it does nothing to add new laborers to the pool.”
His point was that they can still only attract immigrant labor, even with the higher wage.
In other words, the immigrants are still doing the jobs Americans refuse to do.[/quote]
And my point is the Industry is still paying $11/hr. Given our State minimum wage of $10.50/hr, isn’t really an incentive to bring new workers in. And hence, his statement, “The one constant is that no matter how much we pay, domestic workers are not applying for these jobs” is because they aren’t paying enough.
Besides, my local McDonald’s has been advertising positions at $15+/hr…