Had to chime in on this as we are moving next week from a foreclosed rental. We knew the owner was in default as we were receiving junk mortgage bailout mail. We had a NOT taped to our door and then finally received an eviction letter 3 weeks after that. We stopped paying rent 1 month into the NOD just to get the owner to communicate with us, but he never contacted us and I assume just washed his hands of the place. The bank gave us 60 days, but I told the bank hired agent that we were staying an extra two weeks and not to start court eviction proceedings on us (they would waste time and energy). We needed a couple more weeks and that was it. Basically, he was afraid we were going to stay longer because by the time they file court papers, we could be staying an extra 30-60 days on top of the 60 days notice. It sounds like you have plenty of time and I doubt the owners are able to negotiate with the bank if they are in the hole already by defaulting. That means they would have to come up with 6 months or more of mortgage payments. I think most banks are catching up to owners by NOD after about 3-6 months of no payment. We figured our owner was 9 months past due before getting the NOT according to his loan size. Good luck!