[quote=Gunslinger]As a recently retired member if the LAPD. I have to step in and point out there is in fact a huge amount of nepotism in the public sector particularly law enforcement and the fire department. The Good Ol’ Boys Club you speak of is alive and well. I don’t know of another career where there is a greater family tradition of multi-generational employment. Recruits from career police and fire families know how the game is played and what they need to do to get through the hiring process. They have de facto in house coaches. With regards to the quality yes there are plenty of bright but not highly educated officers. However, I increasingly felt we were in the minority. I looked back on my service as an honor and a privilege but was glad to take retirement as soon as I was able.[/quote]
“Coaching” by a parent is VERY different from nepotism. People from all walks of life advise their kids if their children want to follow in their footsteps. Not sure that more children follow their parents into police or fire work than in any other profession (doctors, lawyers, accountants, people in construction, etc. often have multiple generations in the same industry as well).
I would also add that anyone without family in police or fire would get the same advice if they were to ask around at their local fire/police stations, particularly if they found the right mentors, which isn’t too difficult. It’s not a matter of being related; it’s a matter of seeking out the information. Yes, it’s easier to ask dad or mom, but a motivated candidate will volunteer, ride along, and do whatever it takes to get the same information and advice.
And I know of three different kids whose fathers were chiefs in small city, large city, and large county fire departments. All of them wanted to follow in their fathers’ footsteps, and all were “coached” as to what they should do to qualify for the jobs. *Not one* of them was able to get a position in their fathers’ departments, even though their fathers were either #1 or #2 in the entire departments. So, no, nepotism is NOT an issue in public service; at least not that I have ever seen…and I’ve lived in and around it my whole, entire life.