Guess which presidential candidate wrote the following in August of 2007?:
Bailing out investors and their risky investments would just induce them to take on bigger risks next time, expecting another bailout, he believes.
More and more, corporate capitalists in side and beyond the financial markets do not want to behave as capitalists-willing to take the losses along with the profits. They want Washington, D.C., meaning you the taxpayers, to pay for their facilities (as with big time sports stadiums) or take on their losses because they believe that they are too big to be allowed to fail (as with large banks or industrial companies).
Ralph Nader. And at least we know where he stands WRT consumers and taxpayers. I’m not in favor of all of his stances, but he does seem to be against the corporate bailouts (iffy on the FB bailout), and is against the war, FWIW.