[quote=garysears]. . . I threw the APN in the DPLU mapping site and it looks like there are environmental restrictions at a minimum.[/quote]
It this is true, Gary, then count on duking it out with County’s APCB and DPLU over CEQA issues from here on into eternity. Start out by paying for a lengthy “EIR” to be prepared. By the time your bill for all this is done and you can finally APPLY to bring water to the property, you will have spent more than the orig. asking price, IMO.
Remember, Lakeside is the home of the environmentally sensitive “donax reed” which grows up to 8 ft. tall, among other “valuable” flora and fauna. It’s what keeps the snakes alive. You and/or your high-priced engineer had better not accidentally step on any! Same prob. in Bonita – LOL!