[quote=gandalf]Lunchbee, what is your take on the breakdown of morals and family valves in white rural areas?
Meth is a HUGE problem, teen pregnancies and single mother households, crime, poverty and unemployment all on the rise.
Help me understand why your previous remarks about ‘secular’ urban areas aren’t bigoted?[/quote]
Gandalf, I have not responded to many of your posts not because you are focused on name calling, but because you do not read carefully–unlike the others from the liberal perspective who have replied persausively and intelligently.
The scores of millions of people killed by secular governments is simply a historical fact. If you don’t believe this, pick up The Little Black Book of Communism.
No amount of ad hominem, personal attacks against me or others can erase the legacy of death and control by secular governments in the modern era.
Also, instead of attempting to paint me as a bigot, try fully reading my original post where I said this is spreading to the middle class.
Creating strawmen arguments is fun, no doubt, but really is a waste of your valuable time.