gandalf, who better to be in position to intelligently criticize the way the “system” is run than those who know it inside and out?
I could sit here on a stump and list criticisms, too. But what for? All the “rules” were laid out into law long ago by our lofty legislature. However, their “interpretation” is left to the individual jurisdictions.
We are all led to believe that being chosen for employment in government positions is based upon a “merit system.” Except in the Federal Government (who has multiple-agency oversight in this regard), I have NEVER known govm’t “merit systems” to exist in practice. The laws are written with many loopholes for Agency Heads to navigate to get exactly WHO they want for positions (test score, experience or “merit” be damned).
He’s just reiterating his experience working in a politically-based “system,” here. You have the choice of taking his word for it or going thru the arduous process of finding out for yourselves! All other (obviously ignorant) “hypocrite” jabs are coming from “the mouths of babes” :=]