No driveway in front : I see lot of people park their cars on driveway and garage is just a big storage only. Driveway in front makes people have a habit to park their cars outside and less street parking space. Garage/covered parking is supposed to protect your car from sun and rain so your car can last longer. [/quote]
I don’t think it people who use their garage as storage will do so whether the garage is in front or not. When you have more stuff than your house can hold, you start to use the garage to store things. Then there are things you don’t want to store in your house, like a miter saw, your tools, air compressor, christmas stuff, etc. Those are the things I store in my garage. Then there are people who have ATV, weekend car, jet ski, etc. Those goes in the garage as well. So, lets say you have 2 kids in HS w/ their own cars, two additional cars for the 2 parents, and your garage is used to store the stuff above. Where would you park your cars if you don’t have a drive way? With drive way, you can park 2-3 of your cars in the drive way and 1 -2 on the street. If you don’t have a drive way, you’ll have all 4 on the street.
Streets is not that narrow but streets in Del Sur is quite narrow. Imagine if the neighborhood is more mature where more residence have HS aged kids and they’ve lived in the house long enough to accumulate stuff. I can see the are being filled w/ cars on the street and lack of parking space for guests. Especially if you decide to have a big party.