Foster kids may also be eligible for “food stamps” (now food aid via EBT card) because foster family homes are not defined as “institutions” in CA. I have no idea how much monthly food aid each foster child is allowed to receive … but every little bit helps.
4. Individuals or groups living together cannot be a food stamps household if they are residents of an institution or residents of a commercial boarding house, or boarders, unless they meet the following exceptions [7 C.F.R. § 273.1(b)(3).]:
Institution Exception [MPP § 63-402.4.] Certain group living situations are not defined as “institutions.” This includes: federally subsidized housing for the elderly, drug and alcohol residential treatment centers, disabled or blind Title II recipients in group living arrangements, Domestic Violence shelters, foster family homes (but not group homes unless the program is for disabled youth/meet the requirements of 63-402.43), and homeless shelters. (See the subsections of MPP § 63-402.4 for specific rules.)