For you… I have no problem being condescending as you are quite frequently rude and condescending yourself. So little man take a look in the mirror or blame it on being a New Yorker.. I really don’t care.
First of all — … and the horse you rode in on. Good, now we have that out of the way, putz.
As for you argument about circuit breakers I am going to split hairs here.
Second of all, I never made an argument about circuit breakers being life-saving equipment (other than fire-prevention). Sduuuuude did. I actually AGREE with you that GFCIs are for shock safety and breakers are not. And actually, it takes less than two amps (TSOR says a few milliamps in the wrong situation) to be lethal.
PS – Are you arguing just to argue or something? Really confused!
PPS – Drunken posting is typically regretted the next morning…