For some reason your new post didn’t show up. Some of us made some predictions on this thread that even Nostradamus would be amazed by. They instigated the “big Chunk or Slow Decline Thread”, where other predictions were formalized.LOL. I bumped it as a reference. Not sure I would recommend trying to catch up with this! Anyway the universe has put salve on my wounds. Today I went to breakfast at a restaurant I was going to much more frequently between 2004 and 2007 and only recently stared goingot more again. The owner started dicussing things we had talked about and he says very rarely does a day go by when doesn’t tell at least one of his customers that I am the only realtor he knows who ever told the truth about any of this, that is, how much the market was bubbling how much realtors were either lieing or ignorant, and about how bad the crash was going to be. How cool is that?