What burns me is that the states that send us their worst people think that the homeless problem is a coastal city thing. People come here to beg because of the attractive environment. We need CalExit so we can deport these people them back home to their folks.[/quote]
[sarcasm on]
given POTUS and his talking/tweeting points of the virtues of a great big beautiful wall and your mentioning deporting the worst people,… perhaps we can combine the two ideas for a “final solution!”
all joking aside, what burns me is political candidates and politicians (i.e. “leadership”) that seem to be grandstanding, greedy and/or outright narcissistic 99.9% of the time
as I see things avoidable problems are caused by ass kissing politicians (who do pretty much nothing but pander to their base) along w/ government bureaucrats (i.e. public employee union leadership) who have no economic incentive to change the status quo of feeding like gluttonous pigs at the taxpayers trough
on the national level we obviously have POTUS and his selfish, idiotic stand of partly closing down government, so he can build a wall (as sort of a monument to himself) and coincidently seems trump has also managed to do a pretty good job of feeding like a gluttonous pig at the taxpayers trough (which is exactly like something an african dictator would do)
or like yesterday afternoon at the local coffee house at the informal weekly discussion where I pointed out to a few neighbors,… seems the root cause of the many local problem(s) (i.e. ever increasing public pension debt, ever increasing “homeless” etc.) is because intellectually challenged career politicians just keep on running for different political offices and are not addressing the various difficult issues in the political offices they leave behind so government bureaucrats it seems then have nothing stopping them from running amuck
since I mentioned trump and the idea of the wall being a sort of a monument to himself,… one talent/trait, all intellectually challenged career politicians seem to have is, posting slick self promotional youtube champaign videos that somehow don’t ever mention the inconvenient truth of their actual actions in office,… for example the local ass kissing, intellectually challenged career politician (of the district) is now setting sights on the mayor’s office
what’s needed to counter this “fake leadership candidate” from causing even more damage to the system is “real honest news” that pulls no punches
god help us if this idiot manages to continue to convince political partisans he has any real leadership skills to solve big and vary real problems in this city that need to be addressed
bottom line as I see things,… with $hit leadership increased “homeless” (which is a symptom of mismanagement) is inevitable no matter big city or small town,… red state or blue state,… etc., etc., etc.