[quote=FlyerInHi]ucodegen, sounds like you’re a health care pro’s dream patient and worse nightmare all in one.[/quote]
You are probably right. I can describe symptoms in great detail and describe conditions and actions before and after. I also have a Physicians PDR (details on drugs, effects, warnings etc), and look up causes, read medical research papers when I can get my hands on them etc.
About Atkins, I personally don’t believe in too much meat so I will have carbs with lots of veggies and different fruits everyday. I’m lucky i prefer fruit over bakery as sweet stuff. A modified Thai/Vietnamese diet with lots of veggies, some carb is ideal for me. I love my local Thai restaurant. Of course, each person is different.
[/quote] I grew up with part of an old orchard at my parents house (the land was formerly an orchard that was turned into housing – house was built by the architect for himself and he kept most of the trees instead of scraping). I prefer fruit to carb based ‘treats’, but most of the fruit I find is not really up to snuff – picked too soon and expected to ripen on the shelves. The result is fruit that is a bit starchy and lacking in taste. Apricots seem to be the most sensitive in this respect. Mandarin oranges that you get in the store are nothing like the real thing.
Atkins does not rule out lots of greens/fruits with some meat..