I would say TX is a lot like Vegas in that regard, few CA residents probably ever really wanted to move there in the first place.[/quote]
That’s because people want everything and can’t adjust to their circumstances. They want the best neighborhoods, the biggest houses, the nicest cars and so on.
It’s a 2 bedroom condo in San Diego or a 3000sf house in TX. Take your pick. The returnees would be miserable unless they suddenly make more money in CA. Unless you go hungry or lack shelter, the unhappiness comes from within.[/quote]FIH, those hundreds of thousands of Angelenos who relocated to LV in the past decade would have been much better off financially had they stayed back in their “home turf” of El Monte (or name your working-class/middle class SoCal city/community) and waited out the recession. Those LA County 1500 sf 1950’s-era homes situated on generous (often very generous) lots which they likely fled from have doubled and in some cases tripled in value since the depths of the recession in 2007-2009.
Even Compton is now being “gentrified” (albeit slowly) and is looking pretty good from recent photos. It is getting new public infrastructure, little by little.
Last year (on the way back home from one of my road trips) I got off I-15 in LV for about 45 mins, took a couple other newer hwys I’d never been on and looked around. I wasn’t that impressed. It’s not nicer than SoCal … not where people actually live (non-tourist communities). In the newer areas, the homes are every bit as close to one another as they are in newer developments within CA CFD’s.
Most of the areas I drove thru in LV and Henderson (except for the very well-established areas) were akin to driving on the moon. The newer neighborhoods the SoCal lower-income crowd apparently fled to are completely barren (nearly devoid of any vegetation at all). Yikes! It was wa-a-a-ay too dry for me.