A prestigious school of public policy named after an awoved racist is just bad policy and bad reputation.
An even more egregious example: What should England do about things named for Winston Churchill? Without Churchill, most of England would currently be speaking German. (Ok, you can debate that, but his contribution to keeping morale in England up during WWII is not really debatable)
But Churchill, like many of English politicians of the early years of the 20th century was extraordinarily racist. His attitudes towards the “natives” in India and to Mahatma Gandi are shocking.
And what about Thomas Jefferson who kept slaves? (And fathered children with Sally Hemings) Oh, and let’s not forget George Washington who also owned slaves!
The history of racism and man’s inhumanity to his fellow man is long and extensive. If we rename everything named after anyone who at some time held a view we don’t agree with today, we’re gonna need a lot of names.