[quote=FlyerInHi][quote=scaredyclassic][quote=FlyerInHi]If you’re a 6’4, 180 athlete you should care about mating with another genetic blue blood.
The rest of us short guys have to use social artifices of masculinity.[/quote]
A woman will rarely doubt that she will reproduce if she wants to. A male is never certain he will be accepted … big difference in reality that no social justice warrior can begin to eradicate.[/quote]
If biology is destiny, and women have the ultimate power of choice as to whom to reproduce with, then they have all the power. Like the Amazons.
CAr may argue that men have the power to force themselves upon women. Either that, or men are really good at fooling women, or women are desperate for any Dick.[/quote]
You are right, brian, women do have the power, technically speaking, which is why our laws and customs (and religion!) were created to make them subservient to men. It’s why the work that women have traditionally done has been devalued — our economy is structured specifically to value what men have traditionally done, while giving “women’s work” little to no value.