[quote=flyer]Sad to see so many of these incidents, but glad many are being visually documented, so (hopefully) those involved can be dealt with appropriately.
The world definitely seems to be evolving into a more hostile environment on all fronts, but it really shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise when you realize, even in the US, much of the population are literally fighting for their lives when it comes to things like long-term financial security/survival (and all that
includes–jobs, retirement, education, housing–etc.) for themselves and their families. Since a lot of anger goes along with that, it does tend to create chaos in society at many levels.[/quote]
I don’t think it’s more hostile. I think we have a lot more data about what people do when they think they’re not being watched. In fact, my guess is that the fear of being caught on camera is causing police officers, and others, to behave better. Similar to DNA technology becoming available – it deterred criminals from committing crimes, especially those who feared that there might be evidence in the system of more than one crime.