[quote=flyer]Daniel Kahneman, Nobel Prize winner and author of Thinking, Fast and Slow, posits that “Happiness is being happy in your life, and life satisfaction is being happy about your life.”
He, and many others in the know, consistently mention that, having goals and direction in life is essential for life satisfaction, and that is what seems to be so clearly lacking for many young people we’ve known who seem rather lost after graduating from college.
Like many parents, although we could have handed our kids everything, we encouraged them to develop not only their passions, but also helped them discover a clear path to their goals.
(Example–Both of Larry Ellison’s kids have great careers, in fact, my wife has worked on film projects with his daughter, who is a producer.)
We also encouraged them to work on their lives as if they had no safety net to fall back on, and I think that cultivating all of these elements made a huge difference in the level of success/satisfaction/happiness they experienced right out of college.
Everyone is different, but the proof for us has come in the form of how well our kids lives turned out, so we’re very grateful our plan seems to have worked.[/quote]Agree, flyer. I look at Trump’s kids (yeah, all five of them) and have heard all the bad press re: his former and current spouses being “gold-diggers” and all the “philandering stories” about Trump, ad nauseam. But at the end of the day, those parents (all four of them), must have done something right. Their kids have had every opportunity in life to easily be able to:
get kicked out of HS/Prep School for misconduct;
flunk out of college;
get repeatedly arrested for DUI (like other socialites and celebs we all know);
get busted for possession of liquor as well as “open container” as minors (Bush twins);
party heartily constantly in public watering holes and enter and exit vehicles with short skirts and no underwear on, with the paps following in close proximity;
show off (under the influence?) by running into stop signs and up on urban sidewalks with their Hummers;
taking a revolving door in and out of detox and rehab clinics and “resorts” (to numerous to mention here); and,
show up even at the grocery store with see-thru outfits on and breasts hanging out everywhere to gain attention, again with the paps tailing them, etc.
NONE of the Trump kids are like that. They ALL dress respectfully and act respectful and gracious in public. And all three ADULTS WORK FT in the family biz (and in their own biz pursuits, as well) and ALWAYS HAVE since graduating from college! (The fourth one just graduated from college a couple of days ago and will undoubtedly be put to work soon.) The young boy does not go out in public without a suit on, listens to his mother, has wonderful manners and and does not act up to get attention. Together, they look and act like an exemplary and supportive family to the patriarch, demonstrating behavior befitting of White House occupants (although most of them will not live there). They can all talk it, walk it and groom it on schedule and with ease.
If Trump gets elected, he has the built-in “royal family extraordinaire,” who set a great example for their generations. Even though fabulously wealthy and raised in opulence, NONE of them present as the lazy, indulgent type who grew up with a “silver-spoon.”
Say what you will about Trump and his exes but the results standing in front of us all speak for themselves.