I guess I was just trying to make the point that it seems many believe that the “ultimate education” will immediately transport their children to their desired destination, but it’s really much more complicated than that–because, as you have mentioned before–the competitiion is fierce–especially in CA.
For example, two of my kids acquired executive positions in the entertainment industry, just out of college (definitely their “dream jobs.”)
The competition was incredible–Ivy MBA’s like them at every interview–but, some friends in the industry came through, and it made all the difference.
So, I’m really just saying, that, from my experience, whatever your kid’s dream job turns out to be, it just might take more than a diploma to get them there.[/quote]
I agree that “who” you know is very important, flyer. My kid(s) took their first job (semi-professional) from being interviewed several times by companies familiar with their college programs and who knew their dept head and instructors. Subsequent (professional) positions were offered to them from “who” they knew at the first job who defected to another company and wanted them aboard at the new company.
I ALSO believe my kid(s) success has just as much to do with their relocation to SF, establishing themselves over several years there and meeting many, many people along the way. There are ten times as many “professional positions” available at any given time there (incl SV) than in SD County. For a SD County resident who is a recent college grad, I feel they must be willing to relocate at the drop of a hat for a good position if they have moved “back home” after graduation. My kid(s) success ALSO comes from working throughout college and doing internships and so had plenty of work experience upon accepting their first “real job.”
My message to young local college graduates is to interview as much as possible out of county/state and relocate to take a job offered to you (especially if in your field) and don’t look back. At that point, you don’t know what your life will bring you. You could end up back in SD County at the age of 30, 40, 50 or 60+!
Too many local college graduates only want to work locally and don’t understand why they are waiting tables and shlepping parts at Pep Boys.
spdrun is right. TAKE THE GOOD JOB offered to you in your field, even if away from home! Plane tix are “cheap” and are the least of a recent grad’s worries at this point. Esp ones who have huge student loans looming! Believe it or not, there ARE airports in KS City, Tulsa, Birmingham, Talahassee, Cleveland and Des Moines. You can live CHEAP in those places while paying your student debt off!