Most of your arguments are valid, but some of your conclusions could be considered emotional leaps.
Sure, I think I have heard chinks on TV before and not hiSPanICs or n***rs. Asians are the punching bag of America, though much less so than 15 years ago.
The horrible Detroit case was 25 years ago, now even the black mayor after 10 tries in going to prison. (Sure, had he been Asian he would never had the guts and the political cover to do the the crimes) Point is that judicial system has gotten a lot more strict in those 20 years. The racist who killed turban headed gentlemen at convenience store right after 9/11 got the death penalty in AZ I believe. The Lee case didn’t get much attention because of our Law and Order society – he must have done something wrong. He did act strange. Clinton had too much political fallout from some illegal Asian contributors and couldn’t be soft in this case and threw him under the bus. The judge is the one who put him in isolation and then he blames everyone else but himself. Do you really think the case would be much different in last 7 years?? Joe the plumber is going to fight for Lee?
Women’s gymnastics is most watched sport in USA Olympics, don’t discount it. You think the Fox news watching crowd in east county thinks the world of the Chinese athletes or are going to treat your mom better than libs in La Jolla? They will all give you lip service, but in the end “Asians are just good workers bees, dont make any trouble, but they don’t have any clout so we can just step on them.”
This is what some white people think: Most Asians hate other Asian groups and almost always go for safe high paying professions. They generally don’t assimilate with their white neighbors and most laugh at blacks and Hispanics (and most whites) as lazy and stupid. They toil away in labs while dumb non Asians get promoted and play on the golf course with the execs.
I dont really get the Asian college quota argument. Who has said that Asians are taking away all seats away from black, or whites because of AA? Most everything I have heard is that “Asians study harder”, nothing else (well, ok they do have two brains that’s why they understand that non-Euclidean space thing)
You have proved that dems have let down Asians. You have shown that rep Party platform (H1B,etc) is more conducive to Asians, but you have not shown that Republican voters are nicer to your mom, which is really the bottom line.
I’m sure you have heard of 80/20 PAC, but hate it because they support dems usually. They claim they are trying to do some of the things you espouse.