Notice Obama/Geitner is now backing off the wall street executive pay cap….Like I said before….All it’s going to do is create a vacuum of top talent from tarp-controlled banks to banks that aren’t tarp controlled. Goldman,AXP,others already clearly signaled they aren’t going to cap comps (nor should they), and clearly they’re exitting tarp as fast as possible. Now you’ll get a bunch of B,C,D,F star employees running Citibank,BAC, AIG,etc, after all the A players jump ship for more money at non-tarp firms…[/quote]
All those “A” ranked employees sure did a bang-up job so far. Let’s reward all the guys that created this financial holocaust. After all, they are the ones that are going to save us.
I really hope we get back to a government with more checks and balances. 3.54999 more years of this administration. 3.54999 years…
If the previous administration had not run the country into the ground, all these socialist ideas would not have seen the light of day.
And I could be mistaken, but didn’t the arm-twisting between the Fed and BofA take place during the previous administration? Wasn’t it the previous administration that forced us to fork over $350 billion dollars that disappeared into thin air? Where’s the accountability?
Don’t make it sound like all the shenanigans started this year. Nothing will change until we abolish the fed.