[quote=flu]Like I said before…At least at the local elections….Until CA democrats in CA change their viewpoint on affirmative action or ridiculous things like SCA-5 and drastically changes what “need based admissions means”, I will vote accordingly against every one of them locally whether their opponent is GOP or an independent…indefinitely….Anything to deny democrats a super majority in this state.
Thank you State Senator Janet Nguyen of Orange County…
Which isn’t really that bad because imho the local/state GOP candidates tend to be more moderate than probably some democrats from the midwest or south…
As far as the national election, I’ll vote accordingly based on who the underdog is…[/quote]Exact. Unfortunately, I don’t think CA democrats will change their tune anytime soon. Especially when they’re courting the Hispanic votes.
There’s absolutely no reason to give one party all the power. We’ve seen what happen when one side have all the power time and time again. They both suck when they have all the power. I so glad the Asian voters have woken up and see that (at least in CA), the Democrats don’t really care about them. They like to lump all minorities into one bucket, but it doesn’t work that way in real life.