Again I never said that H1-B’s didn’t want to stay here and keep an American job. Where are you reading this? I’m starting to get confused with where you’re coming from. I know companies leave the states to hire lower waged workers, but that is a separate issue. I’m speaking about companies who are here now and abusing the system. Please don’t bend my words. Thanks. I think you make a lot of good points. I don’t disagree with anything that you’ve said. I’m really just stating the obvious when I say that they’re coming here for personal success. You don’t see H1-B’s picking up an American flag and waiving it around when they get off the plane.[/quote]
I’m not trying to bend your words. And honestly, I’m not following what you are trying to say. If you are saying that some companies are abusing the H1-B system, yes I agree with that.
If you are saying that it happens most of the time, I would disagree with you on that.
And if you think that somehow H1-B immigrants need to be more patriotic that most people that were born here with U.S. citizenship, that’s where I have we have a disagreement, because I’m interpretting this to mean that you think H1-B’s care less about America than people that were born here care about America. I would argue that many americans don’t really care any more about America than H1-B’s care about America, and the only reason why they really care about being American now is because their job security is under attack (which is an understandable feeling)[/quote]
Thanks! That’s really all I’m saying is I hope it’s not effecting job security. And yes I do believe that the vast majority of this country that grew up here care a lot about the U.S.! I’m very patriotic and most Americans are. Remember what happened on 9/11? You saw a great country come together. I really just want American born citizens to truly have first dibs on the jobs that are here. Not brought in on an interview just so a company can say that they gave everyone a fair chance before hiring outside the country. I also believe that there is no way that a company can’t find enough qualified citizens to feel it’s needs. It benefits the company to hire these immigrants otherwise they wouldn’t do it. It’s always about the money.
Lastly, If I had to choose between a company saving a buck to hire outside or leaving the country all together, I would choose that the company stay here.