[quote=flu]I wonder how bad is it for those also gambled on those ultra short 3x S&P 500 or Dow ETFs….OUCH![/quote]
the expression,… “a fool and his money are soon parted,…” comes to mind
having mentioned that old saying FWIW IMHO,… ultra short 3x S&P 500 or Dow ETFs might be useful in the next downturn if one is lucky enuf to think up the right strategic “betting” mechanism and does not have a trading desk chair where the big boys play,… by which I mean the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (a.k.a. ISDA) which was established in 1985 by those in the privately negotiated, over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives market,… FYI back before the subprime crash 2007/2008 Credit Default Swaps (i.e. “insurance” on MBS [i.e. “bonds” w/ out reserve funds for payouts]) were offered by banks only to ISDA license holding funds,… IOW those that have 1.5 billion + investments