[quote=flu] . . . The biggest problem I have with Trump isn’t Trump himself. It’s with a good percentage of his supporters that are itching to ship people who aren’t white “back home”.[/quote]flu, I can tell you from direct experience that “a good percentage of (Trump’s) supporters” are “Hispanic.” Meaning 100% Hispanic with relatives still living in MX. Many of this subset of Hispanics are boomers and older, who grew up in the US and were schooled in SD County. This group of mostly longtime homeowners are sick and tired of the (essentially) open borders allowing Mexican Nationals to cross the border at nine months pregnant with no questions asked, only to drop their babies on US soil within 72 hours of arrival (with witnesses, of course). It is not uncommon for Mexican Nationals to use “professionally manufactured” fake ID’s (using identities gleaned from a deceased American’s SSN record) and bogus US addresses (often of long vacant, boarded-up homes) to successfully obtain access to US health clinics and food banks and even successfully obtain USDA food aid (SNAP)! (Not sure if an “illegal immigrant” can successfully get cash aid (TANF) for their “anchor baby” after it is born …. this might be problematic for them because it involves oversight from a human social worker who has access to state computer systems.) In addition, I believe Mexican Nationals can now legally obtain CA Driver Licenses WITHOUT a US address, but of course it is not too difficult at most for them to use the US address of a relative to apply for their DL and use their relative’s CA-tagged vehicle to take their driving exam for their initial license. However, their personal vehicles are licensed in MX so they don’t have to provide “proof of insurance” to drive here. In the states of Baja CA, MX the legal liability limits are about $3K per vehicle and it is very likely that most Mexican drivers don’t even carry that. In some parts of south county (SD), up to 75% of the vehicles on the street every day sport MX tags. Long-naturalized citizens who came to the US legally (of Mexican and Filipino descent) and those who were born here long ago detest our “open borders” and are very vocal about it. If Trump wins the repub nomination, I expect to see “Trump for President – Let’s Make America Great Again” signs in front yards on every block around here. LOTS of Mexican-Americans (esp the older set) watch FOX News every day. I think we’re all going to be shocked when we see a LOT of precincts of SD South County turn from “blue” to “red” or “purple” (since the last general election 3.5 years ago). Let’s refer back to this thread in November, shall we?
In sum, Trump supporters are not all “white rednecks” and besides, “non-hispanic whites” are in a minority as a group in the US. They may still be the biggest minority, but nonetheless, I doubt their numbers are >50% of the US population. In addition, a percentage of “white-appearing persons” in the US are of mixed heritage or are European or Canadian immigrants or dual citizens and many may not even identify as “white” on paper.
[quote=flu]And I’m not even talking about illegal aliens. There’s this current of backlash against tech workers, specifically Indians and to a lesser extent, asians. Part of this is animosity against H1-B programs. The problem is many of these Trump supporters blame indians and to a lesser extent asians as the source of all their joblesness problem. I don’t get it.
This country really haven’t “progressed” as are misled to believe. When in doubt, when your in a financial rut, blame someone that isn’t white on all of your problems…[/quote]flu, the discontent among US citizens who majored in tech and haven’t been able to land a good job in their fields because some employers would prefer H1b hires are of ALL races, not just “white.” Think about it, flu. Do you know of any other country who “gives away” the bulk of their most coveted, higher-paying jobs with an actual “career path” to “foreigners” over their own citizens?
I DO believe that there are not enough American medical school graduates to fill MD positions for some medical sub-specialties in the US. But I don’t believe for a minute that there are not enough qualified engineering graduates of all kinds to fill engineering positions in US companies with a presence on US soil. Yes, even all the available engineering openings in SV at any given time.