First off, I enjoy many of the topics you post, Powayseller. However, virtually all of your posts are basically regurgitations of other people’s research and thinking (which you credit, of course). This is fine, of course. These topics are still interesting more often than not. But I assume that if you’re going to start a consulting business that you are going to do your own original research – obviously, as otherwise it would have little to no value to paying customers. Consequently, I’m curious as to why so few of your topics have original research or thinking. I would expect this from the average forum participant (who is not an industry professional), but not from one that expects to build a presumably for-profit consulting business around his/her observations. Having said that I wish you the best of luck. Regarding consulting, after all, “If you’re not a part of the solution,there’s good money to be made in prolonging the problem.” (source: despair, inc.)