If you look at the bottom of this page, you will see a slogan “In God we Trust, Everyone Else Bring Data”
Sad to hear you won’t discuss the detailed financials of a deal you made that shows a good return.
I think most here realize that when such returns are possible, the market will be closer to turning around. Such data would help your argument.
Nobody here knows you. Why not share the data ?
Even if everyone here did know you, why not share the data ?
I urge you to post all the details, short of an address. I’d like to see the economics of how to get a good return in SD real estate. Coming here, making a claim, then not backing it up means one of two things:
1) You are lying or
2) You aren’t here to help us better undersatand the market.
Coming here, then making a claim, then backing it up with data is the way to sway people here.