[quote=faterikcartman]When the police and military ditch their guns then I’ll consider the concept that they don’t work for self defence.
Those who refuse to live by the sword are doomed to die at the hands of those that do.
If you refuse to take personal responsibility for the defence of yourself and your family you become the subject of someone else. In feudal times it was forbidden for serfs to bear weapons. And the ruling class stripped the excess production from them.
Beware creeping incrementalism. There is, and has been, a gradual chipping away at individual freedom. Each movement relatively small and couched in the language of “reasonableness”. So that too few connect the dots and grasp the bigger picture.
There is a movement out there that wants to strip arms from the hands of the people. But not everyone. At the same time, from the same group, there are cries for increased armed security of politicians. Cries for the police to become even better armed. And this same cadre also cries that the “rich” don’t need any more than anyone else. That their excess production should be stripped from them at the point of a gun and given into the hands of the ruling class to spend as they will.
Is your freedom worth the hand outs this ruling class will give you, stolen from the hands of your fellow citizens?
I’m reminded here and will mention the mandatory health insurance coverage mandated by Obamacare. Remember the debates about how they would justify the coercion? The latest word is that it would be a tax and enforcement of its collection would be in the hands of the IRS.
What happens when you refuse to pay your taxes? As I alluded to above, armed IRS agents will raid you. You will be tried. There is a likelihood you will be imprisoned. If you resist you will be shot. This is not hyperbole. This is fact which anyone here can verify.
So you may abort and murder your unborn child. No question — it’s your body, your choice. You may engage in unprotected anal sex with strangers helping to spread what we are told is a world-wide pandemic killing millions. That is your right to control your own body and your own choices and no one may stop you.
Yet the same group that champions these positions is now telling you that even if you are in perfect health and wish to gamble on health insurance because you need YOUR money to spend on other priorities of your choosing you may not argue it is your body and your choice, rather, you will pay or we will have you arrested and imprisoned for tax evasion and if you resist you will be shot.
On a daily basis I’m stunned that hardly anyone thinks things through. They spend their days rejecting anything one group says as propaganda, but blindly accepting anything the other group says as if the words came from God, to the prophets, and out the mouth of Keith Olbermann.
So they go on their merry way watching television until disaster is upon them. Whereupon they scratch their heads in disbelief wondering how things got to this point. And then petition the very same people who got them in trouble to bail them out.
So back to Archie Bunker. In 1938 Hitler passed a gun control act. The state had military type firearms to be sure. The Jews? Well, not so much. In 1968 the USA passed a gun control law that was strikingly similar. Today there are motivated people that would strip guns from everyone, not just the Jews.
It is at this point that people start to scoff. They tell themselves this can never happen here. That these are the words of the paranoid and malcontent. I submit that the naysayers are ignorant of the history of man and the fall of nations. I suspect they are completely unaware of the gun control measures that precipitated tyrannical regimes including Hitler’s as mentioned above.
It is all too easy to fall for the soothing platitudes and “reasonable” measures when times are relatively good and the state seemingly benign. But the power you abdicate now, and authority you grant the state now, will set the stage for how things proceed when times are bad and the government malignant.
When you fellow man or the state wishes you ill and you’ve abdicated both your right and ability to defend yourself and your family you are dependent on the arms of others. And has another has said, for evil to win all that is necessary is for the good to do nothing. As history as shown, with enough gun control, even if the good are willing, they will fail if you take away their ability.[/quote]
While my stance regarding healthcare, and social safety nets is very different from this, I do agree about the gun control portion of this post.
As mentioned before, my mother and her friends grew in in WWII Europe. One day, they were telling stories about how, when they were children, some of them were hidden in the forests at night because the soldiers (from both sides, BTW) would come through at night and break into the houses to steal any valuables and rape the women and children. When I asked them why nobody would do anything to stop them, they laughed and said, “because they had confiscated all of our guns.” They did this before under the premise of “protecting the people from criminals.” The people had no idea what was about to happen after they gave up their guns.
After hearing this (and other stories just like it…read some history books about dictatorial and fascist governments, if you don’t believe it), I cannot support any gun control laws that seek to prevent citizens from protecting themselves from the government. While citizens might not have the same firepower, they have the numbers necessary to overthrow a corrupt government — and it’s our duty to do so, if it ever becomes necessary.