[quote=faterikcartman]We are growing our population with immigrants. This won’t work because to work they would have to contribute as much to the economy, consumer spending, and taxes, as the native population. This is not the case, however, as we are expanding with zero to low skill third worlders who don’t speak English and are a net drain on the system, not a contribution.
My wife, my in-laws, and even my own mother are naturalized citizens, however. But, contrary to the view of mainstream politics and media, they have no desire to turn the US into the places they left. Moreover, they have contributed to the system, not taxed it further.
Of course reading my first paragraph only, many, if not most, people will just cry racism and that’s as far as we’ll get in the conversation. Whether or not what I said is true will never be discussed, or will be quickly dismissed based on false facts or false assumptions.[/quote]