[quote=fat_lazy_union (aka “flu”)]…Regardless of whether someone can or can’t do a public sector job this is irrelevant to the discussion of whether this arrangement is right or wrong to begin with..(I’m pretty sure I can, do the job but that’s irrelevant). Bringing this sort of “well if it’s so great, you do it…” sort of argument seems to be that you’ really in agreement that this pension arrangement with the taxpayer isn’t correct, but there are no other valid counterpoints to justify that its existence…[/quote]
What I DO understand is the “enhanced pensions” awarded local gov’t workers in the last 10 years and those rare pension “outliers” as mentioned in the OP (who managed to “juice the system” in various legal ways put in place by YOUR elected officials) have put governments of all levels in the position they are now in …. responsible for funding any pension shortfall they may have. However, I am a REALIST and I don’t see all these gov entities filing under Chapter 9 to relieve themselves of this obligation nor do I see the BK courts allowing them to discharge this debt. They will likely continue to take higher pension payroll deductions from current workers and hope a good portion of their used-up worn-out boomer-retirees die sooner than later (not an unlikely possibility for many).
In the absence of the repeal of entire sections of the CA Government Code and Education Code, there is nothing in state law which would suggest that the formulas for pensions already promised and awarded could be jettisoned.
If you want to lobby for govm’t pension reform in CA, then complain to your legislator. Better yet, line out the old legislation and draft it anew!
Here . . . I’ll get you started on your first “gut and paste” project:
No one here has addressed the percentage of deaths that happen to current gov employees of substantial seniority or a deferred gov retiree where their heirs don’t receive a dime unless the employee has contributed their own funds to the plan. These two groups are eligible for but have not yet received their pensions. In SDCERA, this “employee contribution” requirement wasn’t in place until just over ten years ago and so most of the retirees who retired PRIOR to 2002 have pensions which are $500 – $1200 mo. Many, many are now deceased.
Let me ask you, flu, if you were a non-management gov’t worker, would YOU “bend over” for 20-30 years if you knew you would receive a $300 – $1200 per month after the end of your service in the form of a pension? This is what was promised to these workers.
And then ask yourself if I would have put up with it as long as I did in the absence of a promise of a pension. You have carte blanche to speak for me ;=]