Err mrquoi is actually a lady 😉 who chose to use her dog’s name as a handle. But my male husband did finally see the light. I did the b***chy wife thing and went out and leased a very nice place that was about 25% over our budget without asking him. Then I made sure he did not have to lift a finger for the move and the place was a 5 minute drive to work. He got over his reservations pretty fast.
Then a friend of ours went through a layoff last fall and we got to see first hand how they were screwed trying to pay for their purchased in ’04 house and food on his wife’s income. He found another job, but decided they wanted out of the house, too risky with kids, etc, etc. But they are stuck in the house even selling below ’04 price and all they talk about is getting out of the house. Not sports, not kids, just the house. They haven’t yet accepted that if they want to leave they will have to go through foreclosure but they will eventually.
THEN this summer my husband was laid off. He finally said something like, “I am so happy we did not buy a house.” I am not a terrible wife so I bit my tongue before I could say “I told you so.” 😉 He found a great job in another state so our only problem is me finding a new job (usually easy) and arranging a sublease, but even that should not be hard since the landlord takes pets.