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[quote=enron_by_the_sea][quote=bearishgurl]flu, I can tell you from direct experience that “a good percentage of (Trump’s) supporters” are “Hispanic.” [/quote]
Sorry this is BS! Not supported by any data!
If you care about real data, then here it is, fresh from today: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2016/02/25/hispanic-poll-donald-trump-marco-rubio-ted-cruz-hillary-clinton-bernie-sanders/80881576/ [/quote]I saw your article re: the USA Today poll and will read it. I must have a pretty “vociferous” group of boomers in my little “microcosm” just nine miles from the Int’l border, lol …
We haven’t yet seen how the repub candidates will fare in TX and FL (which both have large Hispanic populations).
And btw, I’m not a registered Republican and haven’t yet made up my mind who I will vote for in the primary … or even if I will re-register to do so.