[quote=eavesdropper][quote=flu][quote=briansd1][quote=Veritas] And stop using the flag of the United States to wrap yourself in the mantle of victimhood. It’s a desecration of the flag for which my ancestors bled and died. Patriotism is not demonstrated by how vigorously you can wave a flag, or by how well you can put a red, white and blue outfit together. In fact, a genuine patriot is color-blind.[/quote]
I agree with many things said by eavesdropper. I think we need to grow up and get pass these stupidity and all sides in this case need to stop playing victims and the hatred.
Regarding what FLU said: Until the United States changes it’s official language from English or officially is bilingual, anything but the English language is/should be an “optional” language, at the sole discretion of the individual/family/or parent.
I don’t know what the fuss about “learn English” that I always hear about. It shows me how insecure some Americans are (aside from using it as a way to claim victim or just being uninformed).
I am an immigrant. First priority for immigrants is to survive. You have to adapt, relearn everything and learning English is part of the process to survive in this country that all immigrants I have known all do. However, immigrants are here from newly born to 100 years old person and no one can expect everyone to have the same proficiency in English. Come on, every immigrant I know would be proud to know English. My dad was shy when he could speak English a little, but he taught himself to read English enough to read newspaper. I was proud at one time to realize that I no longer had problem communicating with others. I am still reminded by people to improve my English though, it’s like a game that you will never win. Learning English is part of immigrant’s survival tool. Probably, it’s the blame game and insecurity that keep the “learn English” drumming to go on.