DWCAP: That post really hit home.
Last night a family friend from Oregon temporarily moved in with us.
A month earlier she had moved to CA, found a Mira Mesa room for rent & signed up. After a while the 8 (!) other tenants became too much for her, plus the uncleanliness of it all, and she moved in with us–for a few days until June 1 when her next room rental is available.
Is this housing model the future of the McMansions the builders threw up earlier in this decade? Despite demographic trends of the baby-boomers dictating downsizing they kept putting bigger and bigger houses on smaller and smaller lots. A lot of room-rental houses in such neighborhoods is something to look out for for you buyers with an eye toward the future. Neighborhoods with streets clogged with parked cars, noise, and higher density are to be avoided if you seek appreciation in values.