[quote=Dougie944]Let me be contrarian here. I’m just as appalled by the 30k that each of the protesters received. They completely blocked all paths the police officers could take to leave the area and were each individually warned, in advance, that they were going to be pepper sprayed if they did not allow them to pass. Then they got sprayed just as they were warned and still won $30k each.
You can’t impede the cop’s ability to leave an area. The alternative was to physically break the human chain they had created. That would have resulted in injuries.[/quote]
Not quite. They didn’t impeded any cop’s ability to leave the area. The videos pretty clearly show cops crossing over the line at will. In fact, the cop that sprayed the protesters easily walked over the line just seconds before he let loose with the spray. Including spraying some protesters that weren’t even on the concrete path.