[quote=Doooh][quote=zzz]Are you talking about welfare and SSI? Would you really want to have so little money to qualify, and would you be happy with that lifestyle not to mention what you cannot provide your children with? Also what message does that send to your kids, there are many to choose from, I’ll let you pick? Is your wife going to stay married to you living in poverty?[/quote]
I ment 1.5-2 years on unemployment making $13 and hour. I was also referring to Obama care.
If this health care fiasco isn’t squashed come 2014, I’d be stupid not to take full advantage of it. It is what Polosi said right? “We need to be free to live our dream, outside of worrying about health insurance” or something like that. I don’t think she understands the consequences of such thinking.
I’ll take her up on it though, and won’t think twice about morality. I quit, and you can pay for my health care. I’m sure as hell not going to be forced to pay for yours by making 6 figures a year. I’ve paid my fair share at a young age.
This is how you kill productive citizens.
Your right I’d go stir crazy if I were sitting at home for 2 years. But that’s not what the post is about.[/quote]
How much of our best, most innovative ideas came from 9-5 worker bees who were stuck in dead-end cubicle jobs because they were afraid of losing their health insurance? Like it or not, having the freedom of movement, from one job or idea to another — including “independent” work — is one of the best things that could happen to our society. What we have now is poison to our minds and bodies.