If you’ve spent any time whatsoever on this forum you’d recognize that about 30% of all the threads and posts don’t involve the RE markets at all, but are about alternative investment vehicles, macroeconomics and general economic trends. I think most of the Piggs are quite cognizant of the collateral damage that will occur as a result of the failures in the RE markets and are actively seeking ways to cope with that damage. I think it’s a huge mistake to confuse these lines of discussion as gloating over the misfortunes of others. Intelligent people learn from the mistakes of others.
It’s true that there is a certain amount of validation involved when the fools who extolled the virtues of being agressive and “bold” during the runup earn the inevitable fruits of that type of reckless and unjustified behavior. I compare it to the type of validation that occurs when we see the jerk who had been terrorizing other motorists on the freeway 5 minutes ago gets pulled over by the CHP.
If you want to scold someone for their misbehavior and bad attitude I suggest you look to the people who created the problem in the first place, not the people who warned everyone from the beginning of the risks they were taking.
We were right, they were wrong; deal with it. If you want to find a caring and nurturing support group for suckas I suggest you look elsewhere, like maybe the San Diego Real Estate Investment Club. There are lots of positive thinkers and RE boosters over there.