Temporary popularity of an idea doesn’t necessarily correlate with the wisdom of the idea. “Tyranny of the majority” and all that.
Also, with the media nowadays you can whip people up to believe almost anything for a little while.
Laws shouldn’t be written on the basis of mob sentiment or even “majority rules”.
We will see what happens with this particular law. It will be interesting.
Have you guys been following the recent stories about boats of “unauthorized visitors” coming ashore at night in Leucadia, Pendleton, La Jolla, etc?
It is definitely happening, and these are just the ones that we know about because they were caught.
It seems to me, something like that, is NOT a valid or friendly way to enter a country, and is not a good start to your relationship with the country. Think of the folks who are running the boat operations. What other illegal activities are they involved in?
I think we can all agree that we don’t really want boatloads of anonymous people coming in from *wherever in the world* disembarking at 3 AM every night in Leucadia. What, now Leucadia is a “port of entry”?
Can we agree on that? Isn’t that kind of the point of having an immigration system?
Question: should California or the city of Encinitas be prohibited from writing a law that attempted to deal with a Leucadian onslaught? Or does the state have no right to take measures to protect itself?