[quote=deadzone][quote=Rich Toscano]
But the main thing I remember from back then was that 90% of the bulls went straight to ad hominem. I could write some long article with data, charts, analysis, etc, and the entirety of the response would be, “You’re just a bitter renter.”[/quote]
So clearly you don’t read much on this site. Nearly every single response to my posts from SDR and FLU are the same ad hominem attacks you mention. “You have an axe to grind”, “You are bitter because you missed the opportunity of a lifetime”, etc. etc. Same tired, irrelevant attacks. Exactly what you described experiencing yourself. Strange to me how you support them today, quite ironic.[/quote]
Well I agree with you there, and I’ve said the same thing to them (or to sdr anyway) — that I think once someone goes ad hominem, they lose all credibility.
I don’t “support” anyone, btw. I’m singling you out for your unique combination of pugnaciousness, constant ad-hominems, and low-quality arguments that often involve just making stuff up. That doesn’t equate to support of anyone else.