You believe, without any evidence, that somehow society is better (whatever that means) if everybody had a college degree. This is baseless nonsense.
Is it nonsense to say that near universal high school education has made us a better society?
Why can’t we raise the bar and aim for college for everyone? At least everyone who wants a college education should have access.
I don’t necessarily condone how education is financed, but in principle, a college education is better than none.[/quote]
Okay, so ditch diggers need College education too, by your logic.
I’ll assume you are either joking, or have just no clue how the real world operates.[/quote]
A ditch digger that understands basic finance, compound interest and time value of money, along with the reading comprehension skills and mastery of English and critical thinking skills to evaluate political ads at more than a sound bite level probably is more desirable.
I’ll even give the benefit to say the same goes for the social sciences in increasing basic societal understanding assisting in establishing a more harmonious society allowing all to flourish.
If education increases the knowledge level of individuals and their ability to interact and improve upon their and society’s situation then yes. But if the degree pursuit is about fulfilling bureaucratic red tape requirements, then much like technical certifications, they are pretty meaningless.
And the difference between the top and above is self evident in our current education complex IMHO