DCarlso1, I actually feel sorry for you. Most of the trolls come and go without pouring so much passion into their posts. Its a shame and I really mean that, that you couldn’t bring that much intellect to bare on the problems we discuss on this board.
Most of us, though by no means all, don’t wish other people to come to harm. However, the only way the system can right itself is if alot of people get harmed alot, and some get completely burned.
As to the difference between do-ers and complainers you are right. The people on this board have quite often been here a long time. Most of us had to buck the intellectual trend to find this place. We had to endure years of endless prattle about, “it only goes up.” We hardly qualify as complainers. Especially since all of us have had ideas attacked and had to defend them.
Your comments strongly hint that you are an agent, good luck with that going forward. There is a huge difference between hoping for a good future and planning for one by research. Most of the folks here fall into the second category. If there is a bit of schadenfraud in our souls, it must be forgiven; if for no other reason than the amount of crapola we have had to collectively endure from the other side of the fence for years.