Cyphire agreed 100%… I thought I heard or read something a few months ago about some sort of breakthrough with solar panels that was going to really help reduce the cost but maybe not… It is so inconceivable to me that the only mass energy producing solar panel project I have ever seen is the one out on 395 on the way to Mammoth. The amount of energy that could be produced is amazing if everyone had panels. You said it correct Cyphire, if the feds or state county gave big dollars to existing homeowners and builders to implement measures like this the payoffs in the future would truly be substantial. Similarly it would give birth to rampant growth in those particular industries and technologies. Seems pretty much win win to me…
tg –
Simmons is pretty classic. I like him alot. tg, you should listen to Collin in the morning on 800. I think you would like him. As for the Pads, they are the best damn aaa team in baseball. Always will be and things won’t change. In about 15 years Peavy will be retired and voted into the hall of fame as an Atlanta Brave and we can all say we enjoyed his first 5 years as a pad…Hey it’s San Diego, nobody really cares that much anyways right? Hey we got one of the best names in baseball this year, Milton Bradley (only second to Coco Crisp) so we are SERIOUS PLAYERS right?
SD Realtor
ps my wife still maintains that no way could a mom ever name her sons these names.