[quote=ctr70][quote=Allan from Fallbrook][quote=paramount]Obama enters the discussion, no doubt in part to deflect attention from Benghazi and other issues.[/quote]
Paramount: While I don’t disagree that Obama & Co. are undoubtedly welcoming this as a distraction, I will personally say that I found his remarks very sincere and made in the spirit of unity.
Given the off-the-cuff nature of the remarks, it was even more impressive. I don’t have much love for the man, especially due to his policies, but he was a national leader in that speech.[/quote]
I think a lot of what Obama said in his recent speech was more BS and blame shifting. Saying “that he could have been TM 35 years ago”. And that he’s been racially profiled. Continues to ignore the fact that a jury of 6 believed that TM jumped Zimmerman, pounded his head in the concrete to the point where GZ shot him in self defense. THAT IS WHAT A JURY OF 6 CONCLUDED! End of story. End of speculation. There is ZERO proof of any racial profiling. ZERO. Would have Obama 35 years ago also jumped someone and pounded their head in the concrete? I highly doubt it. Those comments to me continue to follow the black leaderships long history of shifting of blame for their behavior off themselves on to someone else.[/quote]
The speech was merely an explanation of how an African-American’s perception of the case or life in general could be different than that of the average Anglo. I heard no judgement or criticism in the speech. Please listen again with an open mind.
I believe it all comes down to distrust. Yes, times have changed significantly in many parts of the country but, memories are long.
One of the posters above recounts the hassles one of his kid’s friends. I can tell you from experience that interaction breeds distrust and disgust. I had a discussion about this at work with co-workers the other day and my co-workers seemed to be shocked that I and another “black guy” were fearful/distrustful of the cops based on our personal experiences. If the shoes were on the other foot for a day I think most of you would be appalled.
Today I’m 37 and I don’t touch anything I don’t have to when I’m in a store. I stay in the middle of the isle and try to stay in clear view of cameras. I do this mainly to reduce the chances of an accusation of some sort of wrong doing being leveled at me because the accusation alone can be more than enough.
Sadly, I teach my sons to do the same. We’re not criminals, far from it but, there’s always the chance that we could be held responsible for the perceptions of others.