[quote=CricketOnTheHearth]And if the freakin’ Mexican government would create a climate there that is friendly to, rather than hostile to small business, maybe the Mexicans could start their own businesses and stay there instead of having to brave 1,000 miles of desert/snakes/bandidos etc just to come up here and cram 15 to a house and wire money back to their families in Mexico.
The whole “illegal immigration” thing is a giant scam by [b]both some American businesses[/b], and the Mexican government… and the little people (us and the Mexican peasants) are caught in the middle, set at each others’ throats for jobs.[/quote]
The fact that small businesses are one of the biggest supporters of making many of these workers legal is something that is not talked about enough.
Another thing that people ignore is the taxes these workers pay but never get back because they dont’ file taxes. I read somewhere that this number adds up to billions and it is one of the big money makers for the US Govt. I’ll try to locate the article but it stated that it was one of the reasons the gov’t didn’t really want to crack down on illegal immigration. They take a public stance but privately don’t want to crack down.