Couldn’t agree more Rustico. Alot of times though it sucks because the listing agent doesn’t have a clue of whether the lender will approve the short sale. In alot of cases as well, the peskiness of the listing agent will make a big difference. I have been nagging and nagging and nagging the asset manager for a short I have listed for months on in quite often. I am always nice and kiss his ass. It does indeed look like the approval will happen. However I think in alot of cases listing agents give up on the listing even when an offer is in… and they just don’t do squat.
Anyways you covered it well. For buyers I am working with on shorts, I just tell em, submit the offer, then basically put in a mental closet. Move on to other properties. Then if it happens all the better. Make enough offers and one will come through. Also not to worry about being obligated to oblige if the offer is accepted months later. You can always get out of it via any of the contingencies.