Could not agree more. Writing a letter will do nothing, and I am afraid that who you vote for will also have no impact. The two major parties seem to be part of the same bad concepts-they just dress them differently.
The anti-war democrats are still voting to fund Iraq. The anti-social program republicans are begging for bail outs for their Wall Street buddies. The pro liberty democrats not only voted to extend the anti-constitutional patriot act, they intend to make it stronger.
Both parties seem to think that a $1000/family can “kick start” the economy. Both parties have voted time and time again to move jobs overseas as fast as they can. It’s this last one that is so unbelievable. How does me spending a thousand dollars on a Chinese or Japanese product help expand our shrinking jobs market?
Neither party seems to be able to separate US foreign policy from Israeli foreign policy. At least someone should be looking at what is best for America, not America’s powerful allies. Yep maybe I should just write a letter to Feinstein about how I feel, or to Pelosi about her vast funding from the AI Pac.