[quote=CostaMesa]Absolutely hilarious considering the Republicans are the ones trying to kill the ‘Buy American’ provisions in the Stimulus Bill.
WASHINGTON, Feb 4 (Reuters) – Senator John McCain, an Arizona Republican, was expected to offer an amendment to strip the Buy American provision from the Senate’s stimulus bill
(02-03) 04:00 PST Washington — The top Senate Republican, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, said Monday that the measure should be stripped from the bill
LEt’s see how this math works.
Joey sells American steel so Tony can build a bridge. Two American jobs.
Lin sells Chinese steel so Tony can build a bridge. One American job. Price of bridge about 3% less.
Doesn’t make a speck of sense to me. There’s a reason the Republicans are the MINORITY party – because they’re totally out of touch with reality![/quote]
CostaMesa, I don’t think I was trying to take sides here. I personally think both parties are a bunch of knuckle heads. Obviously I can see you voted in HOPE that Obama would save the world. Maybe all the liberals will realize that at this point both parties have absolutely destroyed this country, including their own.
The bipartisan garbage needs to end. We need to focus on America and the fundamentals that brought this wonderful country to be the superpower of the world. We need to nix the corrupt politicians. I also read that Obama hired another lobbyist recently. I am just so puzzled with these guys. They create executive orders and then they break their own rules.
I smell an unemployment rate of 10% by July and once that happens all bets are off my friends. If you don’t believe there will be civil unrest with a 10% unemployment rate along with many other negative factors you will be sorely mistaken. America will be begging for mercy shortly and I don’t think a trillion dollar stimulus plan is the answer. I think we need to beg before we borrow! We need to learn how to save and not spend. How to produce and not consume. All these will happen eventually, unfortunately at the expense and lives of many Americans.