Costa, I wasn’t blaming anyone, I was venting frustration. It’s not the time to point fingers in blame, rather, point in a new direction. One that makes sense on a number of levels, solves many problems at the same time and is now at a point when something dramatic can and should happen. Who remembers Schoolhouse Rock and it’s “necessity is the mother of invention” episode.
It’s a problem, it needs to be solved, it needs to be solved in a short period of time and sometimes radical means are needed. Is there another General Leslie R. Groves out there right now? Who is he TG? I’ll tell you. He was the guy in charge of the manhattan project, he had a problem, WWII sucked and losing would suck even more. He needed smart guys, but smart guys are sometimes unstable guys. He needed Oppenheimer, but Opie was a borderline communist, a wild eyed leftist and was considered a security risk. Groves found his scrotum, took a chance and science changed. Granted, innocent people died, lots of them. Many of us old enough to remember were a part of nuclear attack drills in school, they caused our world to change. This problem should be easier to tackle, it should be a cakewalk compared to getting radical left wing scientists to make weapons of mass destruction. We don’t even need a man half as tough as Groves or half as smart as Opie, because this problem has no downside, no moral dilemma. Schoolkids wont be doing “high mpg” drills and having bad dreams for decades after.
General Groves was the Phil Jackson of the 1940’s, somewhere, right now, a version of Groves and Oppenheimer exists and can I just get an amen brother, that we need to find those guys and put them in charge of the taxpayer owned car companies, TODAY. If it means employing hippies, wackos or commies, I don’t give two shits, the oppenheimer of alternative fuel is out there, find him, beat him over the head, threaten him and then lock him in a room until I get 360 mpg’s, is that too much to ask?