I think you’re incorrect. It’s well documented that if you’re Asian and applying to let’s say Yale or Berkeley, you will be rejected against an equally qualified white because those institutions have initiated quotas since they have TOO many Asians. Same for a number of med schools.
As for economic handouts, how come our “free market” system is all good and fine until we hit a bubble (like the housing bubble) and then all the capitalists are asking for a government bailout? As a tech trans attorney, I’ve seen way too much of this.
Saving and loans bailout in the 80s, Enron etc. If free market means less government enforcement, that promotes fraud which then leads to people demanding a bailout from the government (when these same people were the ones demanding no government oversight).
Why is it that under a “free market” president, the SEC and the EPA somehow find their enforcement budgets decreased? Regardless of whether white collar or blue collar crime, when you take the cops off the street, crime increases. When crime increases (even white collar), we all get hurt. Government is not necessarily a bad thing.