Considering that the Fed just bailed out Bear Sterns, maybe you should worry more about what this current administration is doing.
I’m not happy about “bailing out” some of these homebuyers, but I’m less inclined to be saving investment bankers/analysts making over $200,000 in NYC.
Also, just wondering what price you put on people’s lives. How much “cost” do you associate with those 4,000 dead American soldiers and the numerous wounded besides the explicit cost of the war?
Considering the cost to date of the Iraq War is over 500 billion, I’d say that the 10 billion that Obama is offering up to save some Americans is chump change.
Feel free to disagree. As for nitwit Democrats, I’d rather have a nitwit than a moron that deliberately lied to the American people and put us in a war that’s lasted longer than WWII (though it’s technically not a war since that’s bad PR and he doesn’t want us to “sacrifice” our cushy lifestyle). Ironic, much??